Biner LC

Light-curing Type Cavity Liner

product inquiry


  • Outstanding biocompatibility with dentine and pulp
  • Light-curing type cavity liner, extremly hard-curing
  • Chemical bonding to adhesives and composites
  • Insoluble in water and oral fluids
  • Radiopacity
  • Flow-on-demand operation and easy dispensing
  • Heat barrier

Areas of application

  • Protection of the dental pulp
  • Lining under all filling materials
  • Protection when applying the total etch technique

Physical properties

Flexural strength Over 100 MPa
Sensitivity to
ambient light
60 seconds, homogeneous
Linear expansion 2 ~ 3%
Radiopacity Yes
Curing depth (40 s) 2 mm


Biner LC 2 g × 2 syringes
10 disposable tips


Calcium hydroxyphosphate, UDMA, photoinitiator
Barium aluminium silicate

Shelf life

3 years from the date of manufacture

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